List of participants

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Name - Organisation - Country

Lavdosh Ferunaj - Albanian Organic Agriculture Association - Albania
Markus Schörpf - BIO - Austria - Austria
Alexandra Pohl - Bio Austria / ARGE Bio-Landbau - Austria
Thomas Fertl - Consultant - Austria
Gerald Lonauer - EU-Representative of Upper Austria - Austria
Josef Hoppichler - Federal Institute for Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas - Austria
Jens Karg - GLOBAL 2000 - Austria
Werner Müller - GLOBAL 2000 - Austria
Sepp Eisl - Minister of Agriculture, Salzburg - Austria
Josef Martinz - Regional government of Carinthia - Austria
Peter Hebein - Regional government of Carinthia - Austria
Aytan Poladova - Environmental Sustainability NGO, Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan
Antje Kölling - European Parliament, Green Group - Belgium
Oliver Emmes - European Parliament, Green Group - Belgium
Michel Somville - European Parliament, Green Group - Belgium
Karen Janssens - Greenpeace Belgium - Belgium
Eric Gall - Greenpeace European Unit - Belgium
Roberto Piccinini - Greenpeace European Unit - Belgium
Marco Schlüter - IFOAM EU Group - Belgium
Hiltrud Breyer - Member of the European Parliament, Green Group - Belgium
Svetla Nikolova - Agrolink, organic Assotiation - Bulgaria
Valentina Lukova - National Movement Ecoglasnost - FoE Bulgaria - Bulgaria
Kiriaki Zannettou - Federation of Environmental and Ecological Organizations - Cyprus
Martin Kloubek - Greenpeace Czech Republic - Czech Republic
Dan Belusa - Greenpeace Nordic - Denmark
Andres Õunmaa - Estonia Ministry of Agriculture - Estonia
Nastja Pertsjonok - Estonian Fund for Nature - Estonia
Silver Nittim - Estonian Fund for Nature - Estonia
Marika Ruberg - Ministry of Agriculture Estonia - Estonia
Hannes Tuohiniitty - People's Biosafety Association in Finland - Finland
Elise Breyton - Bureau of European Parliament in Paris - France
Jordi Rossinyol - Friends of the Earth - France
Eric Meunier - INF'OGM - France
Bob Brac de Perriere - INF'OGM / BEDE - France
Agnès Ciccarone - The Assembly of European Regions, Strasbourg ( AER) - France
Pascale Loget - Vize President of the Conseil regional Bretagne - France
Mariam Jorjadze - Biological Farming Association "Elkana" - Georgia
Inga Gvineria - Georgian Association of Preventive Toxicologists - Georgia
Ann Stafford - Consultant - Germany
Mute Schimpf - ABL, Association of of peasant farmers - Germany
Siegrid Herbst - ABL, German family farmers association - Germany
Cornelia Wiethaler - agravivendi, GMO free lake of constance - Germany
Paola Aluarez - AIS- Agencia Informacion Solidaria - Germany
Rüdiger Stegemann - Aktionsbündnis Gentechnik-freie Region Oberrhein - Germany
Jochen Fritz - Aktonsbündnis GVO-freie Landwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg - Germany
Dorothee Kersten - Amursoja Projekt - Germany
Stefan Zwoll - Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft e.V. ABL - Germany
Tobias Plieninger - Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Germany
Thomas Dosch - Bioland, organic farmers association - Germany
Peter Stoltenberg - Bioland, organic farmers association, North - Germany
Birgit Eßlinger - Bioland, organic association, Baden-Württemberg - Germany
Peter Röhrig - BÖLW, organic food production alliance - Germany
Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein - BÖLW, organic food production alliance / Naturland - Germany
Katja Vaupel - BUND, Friends of the Earth, Brandenburg - Germany
Heike Moldenhauer - BUND, Friends of the Earth, federal office - Germany
Hans-Theo Jachmann - CEO, Syngenta Germany - Germany
Lutz Grohmann - CONGEN Biotechnology GmbH - Germany
Bertram Verhaag - Denkmal Film Ltd. - Germany
Christiane Grefe - Die Zeit - Germany
Katja Moch - Eco-Institute - Germany
Christine Weizsäcker - Ecoropa - Germany
Gabriele Weiss - EcoStrat GmbH, Büro Berlin - Germany
Ulrike Middelhoff - Ecosystem Research Centre, University of Kiel - Germany
Rudolf Buntzel - EED, Development Service of German protestant churches - Germany
Claudia Fiebig - Environment Ministry of North-Rhine Westfalia - Germany
Andreas Krug - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation - Germany
Barbara Niedeggen - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation - Germany
Beatrix Tappeser - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation - Germany
Christel Schmelzeisen - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation - Germany
Frank Berhorn - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Division Monitoring - Germany
Dan Leskien - Federal Ministry for Consumer protection, nutrition and agriculture - Germany
Mathias Berninger - Federal Ministry for Consumer protection, nutrition and agriculture - Germany
Laurent Luettge - Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety - Germany
Eckard Engert - Federal Ministry for Consumer protection, nutrition and agriculture - Germany
Cornelia Roeckl - Foundation on Future Farming, - Germany
Benny Haerlin - Foundation on Future Farming / Save our Seeds - Germany
Rutj Kleinöder - Freilicht Museum Domäne Dahlem - Germany
Martha Mertens - Friends of the Earth Bavaria - Germany
Adrian Bebb - Friends of the Earth Europe - Germany
Hartmut Meyer - GENET - Germany
Christof Potthof - Gen-ethisches Netzwerk - Germany
Ulrike Doyle - German Advisory Council on the Environment - Germany
Ingrid Nöh - German Federal Environment Agency - Germany
Manuel Schneider - grassroots foundation / Projektbuero !make sense! - Germany
Henning Strodthoff - Greenpeace - Germany
Ulrike Bickel - Greenpeace Aachen - Germany
Swati Jangle - Greenpeace e. V. - Germany
Tina Loeffelbein - Greenpeace Germany - Germany
Johannes Niedeggen - Gut Kerkow, Uckermarck - Germany
Janna Völker - Informationsdienst Gentechnik - Germany
Oliver Scherer - Informationszentrum Gentechnik Hohenlohe-Unterland - Germany
Christoph Palme - Institut für Naturschutz und Naturschutzrecht, Tübingen - Germany
Matthias Miersch - Lawyer - Germany
Bernd Voss - Member of the EU Economic and Social Committee, AbL - Germany
F-W. Graefe zu Baringdorf - Member of the European Parliament, President of AbL - Germany
Hans-Georg Starck - Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture Schleswig-Holstein - Germany
Kai Deutschmann - Nabu, Natural Protection Alliance, Brandenburg - Havel - Germany
Steffi Ober - Nabu, Natural Protection Alliance, federal office - Germany
Steffen Reese - Naturland - Germany
Susanne Götze - Neues Deutschland - Germany
Turgut Altug - Öko-Brücke Deutschland-Türkei e. V. / No To GMO´s Platform Turkey - Germany
Melanie Amrhein - Regionen aktiv, Reutlingen - Germany
Juergen Binder - Stop-Gmo.Org - Germany
Andreas Bauer - Umweltinstitut München e.V. - Germany
Annegret Falter - VDW, Union of German Scientists - Germany
Sabine Brückmann - Women in Europe for a Common Future, WECF - Germany
Nikolao Kontosoro - - Greece
Yoryakis Kostis - Bio.Zo - Bio Consumers for quality life - Greece
Paula Maier - Dio, Greek organic farmers association - Greece
Nikolaos Lappas - General Confederation of Greek Agrarian Associations - Greece
Myrto Pispini - Greenpeace - Greece
Helena Dimitriou - Panhellenic Network Against GMO - Greece
Ioannis Stratakis - Prefect of Florina, Union of Prefectural Administrations of Greece - Greece
Lazaros Georgiadis - Union of Prefectural Administrations of Greece (ENAE) - Greece
Caterina Choreftaki - WECF-working group on sustainable agriculture and rural development - Greece
Lea Bauer - Biokontroll Hungaria KHT - Hungary
Balázs Kormos - Chamber of Agriculture Hajdú-Bihar - Hungary
Noemi Nemes - Greenpeace - Hungary
Veronika Mora - Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation - Hungary
Hajnalka Homoki - Ministry of Environment and Water Hungary - Hungary
Erika Andrási - Municipality of Karcag - Hungary
Suman Sahai - Gene Campaign - India
Danny Forde - GM free Wexford - Ireland
Aine Kealy - GM-free Ireland Network - Ireland
Michael O'Callaghan - GM-free Ireland Network - Ireland
Grainne Vaughan - Irish Seed Savers Association - Ireland
Martin Kenny - Leitrim County Councillor - Ireland
Claudio Melchiorre - Adoc, consumer association - Italy
Talea Weissang - Associazione Marchigiana Agricoltura Biologica - Italy
Riccardo Russu - Arsia Regione Toscana - Italy
Albert Wurzer - Autonomous Province of Bozen - Italy
Carmelo Troccoli - Confederazione nationale Coldiretti, EU office - Italy
Luca Colombo - Consiglio dei Diritti Genetici, Genetic rights council - Italy
Barbara Schiller - Consultant - Italy
Fabrizia Pratesi - Equivita - Italy
Federica Ferrario - Greenpeace - Italy
Edoardo Zanchini - Legambiente Onlus - Italy
Milena Dominici - Legambiente, Onlus - Italy
Chiara Boni - Minister of Communication of Tuscany - Italy
Alessandro Fugatti - Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige - Italy
Francesca Ponti - Regione Emilia - Romagna - Italy
Daniele Govi - Regione Emilia-Romagna - Italy
Roberto Gatto - Regione Marche Italia - Italy
Renzo Spagnesi - Regione Toscana, Economic division, sustainable product quality - Italy
Massimo Bugli - RomaNatura - Italy
Gianfilippo Lucatello - RomaNatura, Nature protection agency - Italy
Maria Mammuccini - Tuscan Regional Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture - Italy
Marcello Buiatti - Università degli Studi di Firenze - Italy
Elmar Stimpfl - Versuchszentrum Laimburg - Italy
Eduardo Calza Bini - WFP - Italy
Haruo Nagasawa - Kyodo News Agency - Japan
Keisuke Amagasa - No! GMO Campaign - Japan
Akiko Frid - No! GMO Campaign - Japan
Ryoko Shimizu - Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative - Japan
Jurgita Maciunaite - Environmental Information Center - Lithuania
Ronnie Tack - A Seed Europe - Netherlands
Maaike Raaijmakers - Biologica, organic food and farming platform - Netherlands
Pieter Jansen - Both Ends - Netherlands
Janne Kuil - Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals - Netherlands
Yvette Kleekamp - Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals - Netherlands
Geert Ritsema - Friends of the Earth, Europe - Netherlands
Diederick Sprangers - Goede Waar & Co consumers organisation - Netherlands
Lindsay Keenan - Greenpeace International - Netherlands
Antje Lorch - Ifrik - Netherlands
Robert A. Verlinden - Platform Belangen van Consument (BeVaCo) - Netherlands
Wytze de Lange - Xminy Solidarityfunds - Netherlands
Jadwiga Lopata - ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside - Poland
Julian Rose - ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside - Poland
Pawel Polanecki - Region of Mazowie, Deputy Chairman of the Sejim - Poland
Ela Priwieziencew - Social Ecological Institute - Poland
João Melo - Direcção Regional do Ambiente - Portugal
Margarida Silva - Quercus - Portugal
Nenad Kocic - Vila Zora - Rep Macedonia
Gabi Paun - Ecosens - Romania
Craioveanu Dan - Federation of Organic Farmers-Romania - Romania
Victoria Kolesnikova - Eremurus Club/CIS Biosafty Alliance - Russia
Natasa Dereg - Green Network of Vojvodina - Serbia- Monten
Manuela González Griñán - Ciutadans pel Canvi - Spain
María Ramos - COAG - Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores - Spain
Helen Groome - EHNE, Basque Farmers' Union - Spain
Alexis Vaughan - GRAIN - Spain
Rosa Binimelis - Plataforma Transgènics Fora, Catalonia - Spain
Albert Ferre - Platforma Transgenics Fora - Spain
Peter Einarsson - Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, organic farmers associaton - Sweden
François Meienberg - Berne Declaration - Switzerland
Florianne Koechlin - Blauen-Institut, SAG Schweiz. Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnik - Switzerland
Angelika Hilbeck - Ecostrat, ETH Zurich - Switzerland
Christian Schlatter - FiBL, Research Institute on organic farming - Switzerland
Alex Hagmann - Film Video Multimedia - Switzerland
Jean-Louis Gueydon - Fondation pour une Terre Humaine - Switzerland
Florian Leiber - Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft - Switzerland
Bruno Heinzer - Greenpeace - Switzerland
Bernhard Batschelet - Musician - Switzerland
Urs Hans - Public Eye on Science - Switzerland
Daniela Luethi - RSI Radio Svizzera Rete Uno - Switzerland
Maya Graf - SAG and Member of the Swiss Parliament - Switzerland
Daniel Ammann - SAG, Swiss working group on genetic engineering - Switzerland
Markus Sieber - Stiftung Fintan Rheinau - Switzerland
Jochen Koester - TraceConsult - Switzerland
Öykü Kaygusuz - Turkish GMO's Platform - Turkey
David Cuming - Consumers International (CI) - UK
Helena Paul - econexus and five year freeze - UK
Brian Johnson - English Nature - UK
Steve Emmott - European Parliament - UK
Kenneth Richter - Friends of the Earth England, Wales, Northern Ireland - UK
Becky Price - GeneWatch UK - UK
Matthew Burgess - Mid Devon District Council, UK / Green Party UK - UK
Rachel Schurman - Univ of Minnesota - USA


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