GMO news related to Australia

19.11.2010 |

GM food could soon be clearly labelled in Australia

Food containing genetically modified material may soon have to be clearly labelled. Independent senator Nick Xenophon and Australian Greens senator Rachel Siewert introduced a bill to the upper house on Tuesday calling for an overhaul of food labelling standards. Senator Xenophon said Australians were living with one of the weakest food labelling regimes in the world.

19.11.2010 |

GM food could soon be clearly labelled in Australia

Food containing genetically modified material may soon have to be clearly labelled. Independent senator Nick Xenophon and Australian Greens senator Rachel Siewert introduced a bill to the upper house on Tuesday calling for an overhaul of food labelling standards. Senator Xenophon said Australians were living with one of the weakest food labelling regimes in the world.

09.11.2010 |

Australian research institute needs cash injection to continue DuPont joint venture on GE sugar cane

BSES needed a cash injection so mill owners have committed an extra 10c/t this season and in 2011, while Canegrowers committed to a 20c/t additional contribution to the BSES service fee in 2011 for that year only. "That will keep BSES going and ensure the DuPont GM joint venture can continue before the review and full restructure can be rolled out," said Canegrowers chairman, Alf Cristaudo. "It's a bitter pill to swallow, but the industry is stepping up because it not only wants to survive, but thrive."

09.11.2010 |

Australian food industry slams genetically engineered wheat

Sydney foodies have voiced their opinion firmly against engineered food products, after Greenpeace launched their Spliced Bread report late last month about the threat of GE wheat in Australia. [...] Spokesperson from the Baking Industry Association of NSW and Director of Brasserie Breads, Michael Klausen, said the industry would keep the debate alive in order to get results. “We have got to stand up and say that we do not accept that these things can happen and we do not accept it without the proper science behind it.”

08.11.2010 |

Australian food industry slams genetically engineered wheat

Sydney foodies have voiced their opinion firmly against engineered food products, after Greenpeace launched their Spliced Bread report late last month about the threat of GE wheat in Australia. [...] Spokesperson from the Baking Industry Association of NSW and Director of Brasserie Breads, Michael Klausen, said the industry would keep the debate alive in order to get results. “We have got to stand up and say that we do not accept that these things can happen and we do not accept it without the proper science behind it.”

08.11.2010 |

Roundup Ready canola performs well in dry Western Australia

THERE'S no denying Wongan Hills farmer Michael Shields, Glenvar, took a risk when he planted 8000 hectares of genetically modified canola at Bodallin in late May, accounting for the State's largest GM canola crop. But even with only 125mm-165mm of rain received from April until now, Mr Shields is confident he will break even on the investment and is already gearing up for next year's program.

03.11.2010 |

Western Australian Donnybrook-Balingup Shire says ”no” to GE canola trials

AN application by Monsanto to run field trials of genetically modified canola in the Donnybrook-Balingup Shire between March 2011 and December 2014 was unanimously opposed by shire councillors at their last meeting. [...] Donnybrook-Balingup is one of 127 local government authorities across the country to be identified as a possible site for the trials.

01.11.2010 |

Charges dismissed against baby food activists

Charges have been dismissed against six Greenpeace activists who pleaded guilty to trespass this morning after labelling genetically modified baby formula in Woolworths last month. The DIY labeling [...] came in the wake of shocking revelations on Channel Seven’s Sunday Night programme showing one of Australia’s most popular baby formulas – Wyeth’s S-26 Soy – repeatedly tested positive for genetically modified ingredients, despite not carrying any labelling.

27.10.2010 |

Greenpeace urges Australian grain buyers to oppose GM wheat

Greenpeace will on Wednesday release a report on GM wheat at the Sydney International Food Festival, with renowned Sydney chefs Peter Gilmore, of Quay, and Robert Marchetti, of Icebergs Dining Room. [...] It says genetic engineering companies have "taken over" Australian wheat research since the deregulation of the wheat board, including an alliance between the CSIRO and Syngenta, a Swiss agribusiness giant.

27.10.2010 |

Public support for GM foods drops in Australia

GM foods remained as one of the least supported biotechnologies. Over the past four years, support for GM foods increased from 64 per cent in 2005 to 77 per cent in 2007. In 2009-10, public support for GM foods dropped to 67 per cent. Mr Cormick said more research and better labelling systems in place for GM foods was key to changing public perceptions.
