GMO news related to the European Union

20.10.2016 |

Sri Lanka: Health OR Wealth ? Changing tunes on the Glyphosate ban

Citizens’ tribunal against the big bad wolf

While Sri Lankans are campaigning for a toxin free nation, globally an increasing number of activists are taking the bull of harmful agrochemicals by its horns. The Monsanto Tribunal is one such international civil society initiative attempting to evaluate allegations made against industrial agriculture giant Monsanto, with regards to damage caused to the environment and human health.

The event was held at The Hague between the 14th -16th of this month, organised by a global group of professionals, scientists and environmentalists to take on the global GMO seed giant Monsanto. The steering committee of the crowd funded group includes vociferous activists Vandana Shiva, Corinne Lepage, Olivier De Schutter and Andre Leu, all of whom have been unapologetically critical of the dangers posed by industrial agriculture. While many have criticised the group for their individual and collective work, the steering committee explains that the trial was used to assess whether or not Monsanto could be eligible for criminal proceedings, as the first step to prosecution in the future.
