Gentech-NL (Joint Dutch NGO website on GMOs in Dutch language)
ASEED (English and Dutch) and the Gentechvrije Zones Campaign Homepage (Dutch)
Milieudefensie - Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Dutch)
Greenpeace Netherlands (Dutch)
Nederlands Platform Genetechnologie (Dutch)
De Gentechvrije Burgers (English and Dutch) (Dutch)
Burgers voor gentechvrij voedsel (Dutch)
Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM)
Research report Survey of Field trials with Genetically Modified Plants - Global trends and developments (CGM 2014-04)
Rules on the use of genetically modified crops
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In January 2013 the Party for the Animals presented a proposal to make Amsterdam a GMO-free zone. The proposal will be discussed by the city council on April 10th. It is available in pdf in Dutch.
In July 2011 the Community Council of Nijmegen declared the city GMO-free. More
Since January 26, 2011 the Dutch province of Friesland is the first GMO-free region in the Netherlands. More
Order issued by the Commodity Board for Arable Products on crop coexistence 2005
GMO permit (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)
Besluit genetisch gemodificeerde organismen milieubeheer van 25 januari 1990
Overzicht vergunningsaanvragen proefvelden Gentechmaïs (2008) (Dutch)
Reader of the film: "Gen Zoekt Boer" with background information (Dutch)
Synopsis of the film 'The Farmer and the Gene' (Dumitriu/Verbeek, 2008, the Netherlands, English)
Friends of the Earth Europe Biotech mailout: Dutch agreement on Coexistence
Press Release Concerning the Commission on Co-Existence in the primary sector
US Department of Agriculture:
Dutch Government supports GM crop research (2006)
Annual Ag-Biotech Report on NL/B/LUX (2006)
Annual Agricultural Biotech Report, NL (2005)