GMO news related to the European Union

16.01.2014 |

EP voted in favour of a resolution to reject to authorise the GM maize 1507 cultivation

New GM maize authorisation must be rejected according to EP

The European Parliament today voted in favour of a resolution initiated by the Greens calling on EU governments to reject a proposal by the European Commission to authorise the cultivation of a variety of GM maize in the EU for the first time in 15 years. The Greens welcomed the outcome, with health and food safety spokesman Bart Staes stating:

"The Parliament has today made its position very clear: there should be no new authorisation of GM maize, as proposed by the Commission. This vote is a clear rebuke to the European Commission and gives a clear democratic mandate to EU governments to reject the proposed authorisation of this GM maize variety. The gung-ho approach by the Commission to this controversial and unpopular technology is simply not acceptable and EU governments in Council must now deliver a clear response and reject this authorisation.
