We will present 3 case studies: 1. Bt-maize, 2. Herbicide-resistant oilseed rape and 3. Drought resistant rice. We will discuss data on risk issues, remaining uncertainties and alternative options. We will also discuss whether appropriate questions have been asked in the environmental risk assessments and whether relevant scientific data was delivered to support the risk assessment.
Angelika Hilbeck, EcoStrat GmbH - Switzerland
Florianne Koechlin, Blauen Institute - Switzerland
Ulrike Middelhof, Ecosystem Research Centre, University of Kiel - Germany
Koechlin: Case study - Transgenic drought- and salt-tolerant plants
Hilbeck: Bt-Maize in Mexico
Transgene dürre- und salztolerante Pflanzen [complete study in German only]
Öko-Insititut e. V., Gentechnik-Nachrichten Spezial 15, Feburary 04