
13.06.2014 |

EU Council Vote Pushes GM Crop Decision to Parliament

Campaign group GM Freeze expressed disappointment today as the European Union Environment Council voted "Yes" on a controversial proposal that could see GM crops planted in UK fields as early as next year.

GM Freeze Director Liz O’Neill commented:

“EU Environment Ministers have waved through a deeply flawed proposal to the next stage because Owen Paterson and friends think it’s more important to get GM crops into the ground than to protect people’s right to say 'No'. The legal basis for so called ‘national opt-outs’ is questionable at best, and even if a country or region does manage to establish a ban they will find it very difficult to protect their fields and food from contamination if their neighbours start growing GM.

"Farmers, food producers and consumers should all be able to choose GM-free without fear of contamination. We trust that MEPs will listen to the concerns of their constituents when they get a chance to vote on this dangerous proposal.”

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