
12.06.2014 |

Member states agree on right to ban GMO cultivation at national level

Brussels – After three years of stalemate, environment ministers are expected to agree today on a draft law which allegedly gives EU countries the right to stop genetically modified (GM) crops from being grown on their land. Greenpeace warns that the compromise text negotiated by the Greek presidency is riddled with legal holes. Greenpeace EU agriculture policy director Marco Contiero said: “Environment ministers want to give member states the right to ban GMO cultivation on their land, but the text they agreed today does not deliver on what it promises. It would still leave those countries that want to say ‘no’ to GMOs exposed to legal attacks of the biotech industry.” Greenpeace criticises that the text agreed by ministers today would give biotech companies an official role in the banning process, and that it would prevent member states from using health and environmental risks posed by GM crops as justification for restricting their cultivation at national level.

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