
02.06.2014 |

Genetically engineered maize 1507: EFSA cannot invalidate criticism Testbiotech demands EU authorisation is stopped

In a letter to the EU Commission, Testbiotech is once more asking for the market authorisation of genetically engineered maize 1507 to be stopped. The reason for this letter is a statement received from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concerning two Testbiotech reports. In its statement, EFSA fails to invalidate the crucial points raised by Testbiotech. The authority defends its own risk assessment but cannot disprove the substantial lack of relevant and sufficiently reliable data.

“After analysing the EFSA statement it is evident that the existing data are not sufficient to exclude risks for human health and the environment. On the contrary, some of the knowledge gaps are becoming even more evident”, Christoph Then says for Testbiotech. “Commissioner Tonio Borg now has to show that he is able to provide the high level of safety standards requested by EU regulations.”

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