
16.06.2005 |

EU launches research and PR consortium on coexistence: "Co-Extra"

The European Union launched an integrated research project Co-Extra with 52 partners from 18 countries to study and validate biological containment methods and model supply chain organisations for implementing co-existence of GMO and non-GMO supply chains. 13.5 millions will be spent to propose information structure, content and flow management and traceability. "Co-Extra's objective is to provide all the stakeholders of the food and feed chains with a central decision-support system integrating the tools, methods, models and guidelines needed". The four year project comprises major national research institutions, GMO-laboratories and PR companies experienced in promoting GMO in agriculture and food. NGOs, regional and farmers representatives are not included. It will be financed in addition to a similar project called "Sustainable introduction of GMO in European Agriculture", Sigmea.</p><p><a href="">Co-Extra Project - homepage</a></p><p><a href="">SIGMEA - homepage</a>

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