GMO news related to Australia

23.11.2012 |

Greenpeace will keep fighting GM

GREENPEACE has vowed to continue campaigning against genetically modified crops in Australia, despite backlash from the farming and scientific community for vandalising CSIRO research trials. The pledge comes as two Greenpeace anti-GM activists - Jessica Latona and Heather McCabe - were handed suspended sentences of nine months this week, for using whipper snippers to destroy GM wheat trials at CSIRO in Canberra in July last year. Justice Hilary Penfold recorded convictions against the two women. In a statement released after their sentencing, Ms Latona and Ms McCabe said, “We did it because we’re deeply concerned about the future of our food… GM is not proven safe to eat. The only thing we are sure about is that it’s a major threat to our environment.”
