GMO news related to Australia

13.09.2012 |

Claims GM wheat may cause liver disease rejected by GM crop proponents

University of Melbourne Professor Rick Roush said the claims about the CSIRO starch-modified wheat were “highly speculative.” “They have been advanced by three anti-GM campaigners who have deliberatley bypassed independent scientific assessment of their claims,” Prof Roush said. “Instead, this has been launched such that it will become another scientific-souding scare story in cyberspace, a well-worn path of anti-GM so-called “science” by press release.” [...] Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics Professor Peter Langridge said the information from Safe Food was “not helping an informed discussion about the technology.” “Essentially we have two scientists who appear to be ideologically opposed to GM crops and who studiously ignore the majority of the scientific literature and data,” Prof Langridge said.
