GMO news related to India

28.01.2013 |

Report of Indian Council of Agricultural Research bares serious lacunae with transgenics’ regulation

The report of a committee set up by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in January 2012, headed by Prof S K Sopory to look into the curious case of Monsanto’s gene ending up in public sector-developed Bt cotton is being seen as fair and thorough by many; there is also a view that the inquiry process left out some key players and that ICAR is shielding some of its own. The report is indeed a scathing indictment on public sector research and ICAR headquarters’ functioning, raising questions related to capabilities, scientific ethics and integrity. Accountability questions also arise, given that taxpayers’ funds are being used for such public sector research. Importantly, the Sopory committee report also points to serious shortcomings with transgenics’ regulation in the country.
