GMO news related to India

08.01.2013 |

Greenpeace slams Indian Prime Minister for discrediting anti-GM movement & demands debate

Sharply criticising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s call for a structured debate on genetically-modified instead of becoming fearful and swayed by emotion at the 100th Science Congress, Greenpeace India campaigner Karuna Raina said his statement was an attempt to discredit the anti-GM movement, which has been asking for a national debate. “The prime minister’s statement comes at a time when there is a growing opposition from across the society on GM crops. The last decade has also seen a growing opposition to GM crops in the country. The ensuing debate has also raised serious concerns on the complete failure of the GM regulatory systems, an issue also highlighted by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture in its report on GM crops tabled in the last Monsoon session of Parliament.
