GMO news related to India

07.08.2012 |

Indian greens see red over duty-free (GE) soyameal imports

The Government's move to allow duty-free imports of soyameal for livestock feed has not gone down well with the green brigade. Environmentalists fear such imports could result in genetically modified material landing up in the food chain, as most of the soyameal produced overseas is of the GM variety. [...] ”Given that most soya in the world is now GM, the oilmeal will be genetically modified. It is not in the jurisdiction of the EGoM to make this decision,” said Vandana Shiva, noted environmentalist. ”This decision needs to be made by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee. And the Supreme Court has set up a high-level technical committee to which I have made submissions to elaborate the full bio-safety testing. The EGoM decision is thus ultra vires,” she said.
