GMO news related to India

23.07.2012 |

Maharashtra (India) government orders review of Bt cotton

The government has, in fact, been cracking down on firms supplying sub-standard seeds and has been taking action against Mahyco Monsanto Biotech, which sub-licences the use of Bollgard I and II technologies to 28 Indian firms. The state agriculture department recently served a show-cause notice on Mahyco, asking why it should not be banned from supplying and distributing cotton seeds, as it was providing wrong information to the government. It led to speculation that the DF government began the process to ban Bt cotton. ”There has been a question mark on the use of Bt cotton in Maharashtra for long. I have directed a comprehensive review of Bt cotton. Experts will closely examine and critically reassess its use,” agriculture minister Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil told ToI, adding that farmers will be better off using traditional varieties of cotton seeds.
