GMO news related to India

15.06.2012 |

Is Bt cotton in Inda a success or failure?

G V Ramajaneyulu of Centre for Sustainable Agriculture says farmers growing Bt cotton are still committing suicide and that it is only the 35 per cent farmers growing the crop in irrigated areas who have written the Bt success story [...] CSD, on the other hand, says Bt cotton has helped improve farmers’ lives. It had recently carried out a study for farmers’ organisation Bharat Krishak Samaj, which showed that Bt cotton is a success in India. [...] the organisation’s methodology of recalling, under which participants are asked to recall their past experiences, adopted for the study was criticised by various participants, including planning commission member Abhijit Sen. Aruna Rodrigues, lead petitioner in a public interest case seeking moratorium on GM-testing in the country, also criticised the methodology. “This is one of the most unreliable method in market research and nobody accepts it.”
