GMO news related to India

23.01.2012 |

Indian Bt cotton scientist admits his mistake to misuse his power

“Something went terribly wrong during multiplication of seeds but it is difficult to say when and how. I admit to the presence of Monsanto gene in our material. This is probably a contamination caused by cross-pollination during trials. When we got complaints from farmers for poor results in the crop we informed the DDG crop science (Gautam) but he asked us to continue the programme. I am a breeder and do not understand molecular biology,” he said. [CICR director] Khadi also seems to have manipulated things in his favour by being a member of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee which cleared the products for genetically modified products during 2008. But now he admits that his presence in regulatory body was wrong as someone who’s product is under examination cannot be a member of the regulatory committee.
