GMO news related to India

30.12.2011 |

Gujarat (India) cotton export set to break all records - for half of the farmers’ price

In what is being described as major boon the state’s farmers, cotton export from Gujarat this year is likely to break all past records. [...] Gujarat will export nearly 75-80 per cent of the cotton produced in the country as a whole. [...] “Most of the export from Gujarat - nearly 90 per cent - will go to China. It is mainly the best variety Bt cotton, of Shankar variety, with 28-30 mm staple.” [...] Higher exports are likely despite the fact that farmers are unable to get a good price for their commodity. This year, the Government of India fixed the minimum support price for cotton at Rs 3,300 per quintal, and the farmers are unable to get more than Rs 3,500 per quintal. This is against Rs 6,500 to Rs 7,000 per quintal they got a year ago.
