GMO news related to India

19.12.2011 |

Future bleak for Indian eggplant speciality as it faces genetic contamination

The proliferation of BT brinjal around the village has led to a fall in yield of this exotic crop, grown in about 750 acres in a geographical area lying between Udyavar river in the east and Swarna river in the west. [...] The agriculture department had carried out surveillance and awareness campaign in the area against bio-contamination. “Our crops are getting pest infestations, leaf cutters (green jiggy jocids) and white fleas, which ruin the plants. These pests were the results of new varieties of egg plants (new types of brinjals) being promoted by the seed companies, I have gone to other fields across the Swarna river, where I found the farmers were growing genetically modified brinjals” said Vasudeva Bhat, a grower.
