GMO news related to India

20.10.2011 |

How to push GM crops in India by strangulating regulations

Government seems to behell bent upon forcing GM food on us by proposing quick approvals to theindustry under the BRAI Act. ”We will have 9 billion mouths to feed on this earth by 2050 and there will not be enough food for all of us which is why we need to make technological interventions like GM crop to produce more food.” [...] Take the case of India. It has one third of world’s hungry population – roughly 300 million people - deprived of food despite the availability of a continuous surplus of 60 million tonne of food grains. [...] Why can’t we make the surplus food available to the needy? Why don’t be launch a food security programme that builds onself-reliance rather than depend on entitlement doles for the poor? Why do we want to go in for genetically modified or transgenic crops, which are unhealthy and environmentally damaging, and thereby create more problems?
