GMO news related to India

23.08.2011 |

Indian risk assessors rethink on biosafety protocol for GE rubber trials

The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee, which had granted sanction for the field trial of genetically-modified rubber, is now having a rethink on the trial protocol, that was intended for seasonal GM crops rather than trees with a much longer life as in the case of rubber. [...] The GEAC has now asked the Department of Biotechnology as well as the Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation that monitors the safety aspects of GM crops to ’re-examine the matter taking into consideration the biology of the rubber plant and intended use’. It may be recalled that the Coalition for GM-Free India had pointed out the dangers of using a protocol developed for seasonal plants being used in the case of rubber, which is much more complex and with different type of interaction with the eco-system.
