GMO news related to India

11.07.2008 |

”We need a moratorium on Bt cotton and new GM testing” in India

Since April 2 this year, there has been a palpable air of tension at the meetings of the Genetic Engineering Approvals Committee (GEAC) at Paryavaran Bhavan in Delhi. That’s when Pushpa Mitter Bhargava, regarded by many as the architect of biotechnology in India, began attending the meetings of the apex regulatory body on genetic engineering as a special nominee of the Supreme Court. Known for his role in setting up the country’s premier research institution, the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in Hyderabad, Bhargava is taken aback by the lax ways of the GEAC and ”going purely on the documentation provided by it” is surprised that no one has pointed out the serious lapses in the testing of genetically modified (GM) crops.
