GMO news related to India

03.07.2008 |

Indian experts against founding of national biotech authority

Teething problems which may pose difficulties for the birth of the proposed National Biotechnology Regulatory Authority (NBRA) have begun to surface. Experts have begun questioning the need for setting up of such an authority when existing regulator, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), is already acting as a single-window clearance for genetically modified (GM) food products. ”We have been very swift in granting our process of approval. Since 2002, we have approved over 150 GM cotton hybrids, one transgenic cotton variety and five events. Our functioning has become more transparent following the orders of the Supreme Court. The GEAC meeting takes place every second Wednesday of the month and that of Review Committee on Genetic Manipilation (RCGM), every fourth Tuesday,” said a GEAC official.
