GMO news related to India

27.11.2007 |

Indian Central Information Commission ordered disclosure of biosafety data

Bringing to an end the controversy over the disclosure of bio-safety data on genetically modified (GM) food crops, the Central Information Commission (CIC) on Thursday directed the department to make the data for Bt brinjal public. The CIC set aside the seed company, Mahyco’s argument before the Commission that the disclosure of such data has significant commercial implications to the company. The CIC bench headed by its chairman, Wajahat Habibullah said ; ”any further grounds for non-disclosure are invalid even if the information is in the process of development”. It directed the CPIO and the department of biotechnology to provide the information within 10 working days. The appeal was filed by Divya Raghunandan of Greenpeace India on February 23, 2006 asking the toxicity, allergenicity and other relevant data for GM brinjal, rice, okra and mustar
