GMO news related to India

06.10.2007 |

GEAC’s (India) no to Sungro’s Bt brinjal; conditional yes for Bt cabbage

The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) has turned down the request of Sungro Seeds Research Ltd for largescale field trials of its six Bt brinjal hybrids. Sungro Seeds has developed six Bt brinjal, namely – SBJ 1 Bt, SBJ 2 Bt, SBJ 4 Bt, SBJ 6 Bt, SBJ 7 Bt and SBJ 8 Bt. The GEAC, in this context, noted that as these transgenic brinjals were developed by transfer of Bt brinjal event developed by Mahyco and ”as Mahyco’s Bt brinjal is still under review, the present request cannot be considered at this stage.”
