GMO news related to India

19.11.2008 |

GE crops to strengthen the existing practices to combat global food crisis

Talking about the international scenario, Dr Graham Brookes, Director of P G Economics, in his presentation said, ”Since 1996, biotech crop adoption has contributed to reducing the release of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, decreased pesticide spraying and significantly boosted farmers’ incomes. [...] World price levels of crops like corn and soybeans would also probably be higher than the current (record high) levels if this technology had not been widely adopted by farmers.”

19.11.2008 |

The return of Bt cotton in India

The little evidence available suggests it is not Bt cotton per se that is responsible for the worsening farmers’ livelihoods but the context in which it was introduced along with environmental factors. Of course, their conclusion remains to be verified by the groups opposed to introduction of GM crops. But till then, the evidence is mixed and there is very little information from credible sources on the extent of Bt cotton or its impact on farming.

11.11.2008 |

Report cannot disprove links between Bt cotton and farmer suicides in India

The authors admit in the actual paper that the data is simply not available that would allow specific conclusions as to the numbers of Bt cotton farmers who have committed suicide: ”...none of the reported data sources on farmer suicide provide information about the concerned farmers’ characteristics.” [...] there’s nothing in this report to contradict the award-winning Indian development journalist P Sainath [...] calling the massive hyping of Bt cotton to poor debt-burdened dryland farmers as, ”murderous... stupid... killing”.

11.11.2008 |

Indian campaign against GM crops gaining momentum

The distinction between a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian might soon get blurred with the introduction of genetically modified crops. Now, imagine tomatoes, which are genetically modified with the gene of a pig. This has sparked a global campaign against genetically modified (GM) foods. Uttar Pradesh, too, has been engulfed in the campaign — ”I am no lab rat”.

04.11.2008 |

Indian oilseeds output set to rise 5%

”Genetically modified seeds are the only option left to raise output in India. Engineered seeds have already proved successful across the globe. Therefore, India should also start using GM seeds for higher yield and reduce reliance on imports,” says Dorab Mistry, Director of Godrej International.

04.11.2008 |

The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops

Shankara’s crop had failed - twice. Of course, famine and pestilence are part of India’s ancient story. But the death of this respected farmer has been blamed on something far more modern and sinister: genetically modified crops. Shankara, like millions of other Indian farmers, had been promised previously unheard of harvests and income if he switched from farming with traditional seeds to planting GM seeds instead.

04.11.2008 |

Change in the roots - GE ayurvedic herbs developed in India

GM technology is moving beyond traditional food crops to create GM herbs and GM trees. Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Jivanti and Brahmi have been genetically engineered. Scientists say GM herbs have enhanced medicinal properties. Ayurveda however sees a plant in its totality and not for one quality. Can Ayurveda really be compatible with genetic modification?

31.10.2008 |

Monsanto battles biopiracy claims over Indian Bt-gene

India is asking the local arm of multinational Monsanto Co. to pay a royalty for genetic information that forms the basis of a genetically modified seed sold by the firm here because it believes this information is that of a bacteria found in Andhra Pradesh. The Andhra Pradesh Biodiversity Board, a statutory body set up by the Union government under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, is seeking royalty payments from Monsanto India Ltd for genetic information it alleges was ”stolen” from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria found in the soils of Mahanandi village in Kurnool district.

28.10.2008 |

Restrict Indian GM food import without examination

The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Centre to restrict the import of genetically-modified food stuffs containing living modified organisms without examining their contents. A bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan said the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), a regulatory body under the ministry of environment and forests, would scientifically examine the genetically-modified food stuffs and crops before allowing their sale in the country.

28.10.2008 |

Protests sprout ahead of new field trials of India’s first GM foodcrop

A vegetable is at the centre of a row in Orissa as it is likely to become the first genetically-modified (GM) foodcrop to be permitted for commercial production in the country. While anti-GM activists in the state and elsewhere are furious at the insufficient data on the safety aspects of the crop, Bt (bacillus thuringiensis) brinjal seeds are likely to be sown in Orissa sometime next month as part of the countrywide field trials of Varanasi-based Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR).
