GMO news related to the European Union

09.05.2014 |

Vermont governor signs law to require labels on GMO foods

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, a Democrat, has vowed to sign a GMO labeling bill on May 8, saying on Twitter that residents deserve to know what’s in their food. The legislation will require certain products sold in the state to note that they “may be partially produced with genetic engineering.”The law, which would take effect in July 2016, could ripple through neighboring states such as Connecticut and Maine. They have passed GMO labeling laws that are triggered when other states jump first.

07.05.2014 |

Non-GMO soybean seed has a bigger place in 2014

U.S. soybean growers are expected to plant over 80 million acres of beans this year. Many growers are looking for non-GMO varieties and unconventional production alternatives to boost yields and improve profitability in a year in which prices are almost certain to be down from recent years. A big rub among soybean growers throughout the U.S. has been weed resistance problems. Whether it is water hemp in the Midwest or its yield-robbing weed’s cousin, Palmer amaranth in the South, the reality is many growers are being forced to go back to pre-GMO herbicides to manage weeds.

06.05.2014 |

French ban on GMO maize cultivation gets final approval

The French parliament gave final approval on Monday to a law prohibiting the cultivation of any variety of genetically modified maize in the European Union's top grain producer, where a majority of people remain strongly opposed to foods based on genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. The French Senate voted on a law already adopted by the lower house of parliament last month that banned GMO maize (corn) cultivation, even though it has been cleared at European Union level, saying it poses a risk to the environment.

05.05.2014 |

ADM to produce non-GMO lecithin locally for customers in Europe and Asia

Archer Daniels Midland Company plans to significantly expand its production capacity of non-genetically modified lecithin by expanding capacity at its soybean processing facility in Latur, India. It will also add new rapeseed processing capabilities to its existing facility in Hamburg, Germany. "Our customers are seeing increasing consumer demand for non-GMO ingredients," said Dan Larson, vice president, Lecithin for ADM Foods & Wellness. "This investment shows ADM's commitment to meeting our customer's evolving ingredient demands in a very dynamic marketplace."

02.05.2014 |

Non GM Soy conference a big success

With almost 130 delegates from across Germany and Europe, the Brazilian Non GM Soy event held in Münster Germany earlier this month has been hailed as a great success by the organisers, with a number of positive outcomes including the availability of increased volumes and several new players emerging among Non-GMO suppliers of soybean material for the European market.

01.05.2014 |

California, USA: Humboldt County Genetic Contamination Prevention Ordinance

The Committee for a GMO Free Humboldt submitted more than 8,500 signatures to the County Elections Office last week on a petition to prohibit the cultivation or production of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the county. The initiative is called the Humboldt County Genetic Contamination Prevention Ordinance. It would prohibit “propagating, cultivating, raising or growing” GMOs, but would not prevent food that is made with genetically engineered ingredients from being sold in grocery stores.

25.04.2014 |

USA: Vermont new food labels for genetically modified ingredients

A neighboring New England state is about to require specific labeling on certain foods you buy at the grocery store. 22News found out the details on this new legislation. Vermont passed a bill Wednesday that would make it the first to require food companies to label products containing genetically modified ingredients.

25.04.2014 |

UK: Rothamsted Research granted permission to carry out field trial with GM Camelina

The trial will test whether GM Camelina sativa plants are able to make significant quantities of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) in the seed of the plant under field conditions

21.04.2014 |

USA: GMO fight rages on in Jackson County

More than $1 million has been raised on both sides of a proposal to ban genetically modified crops and seeds from being grown in Southern Oregon’s Jackson County.

21.04.2014 |

Ghana: politician calls for ban on GM foods

Samia Yaaba Nkrumah, Chairperson, Convention People’s Party (CPP), has expressed reservation over attempts to introduce Genetically Modified Foods (GM) into the country.
