GMO news related to the European Union

17.12.2015 |

Parliament rejects ‘unlawful’ proposal to import pesticide-resistant GM maize to the EU

Press release - December 16, 2015

Brussels - Today, the European Parliament dealt another blow to the Commission over GM crops, objecting to the import of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready™ Liberty Link™ GM maize into the EU. The Parliament said the decision to authorise the import of this GM crop was “not consistent with Union law” that aims at a high level of health and environmental protection.

The Commission authorised the GM maize earlier this month, without even waiting for the Parliament’s plenary to confirm its objection.

Greenpeace EU food policy director Franziska Achterberg said: “It is crucial that the Parliament challenges the Commission over its policy on genetically modified crops. Despite recurrent promises to change the rules and make the decision process for GM crops more democratic, the Commission has retained its disproportionate powers. It keeps using them extensively to push GM crops on the European market against widespread public opposition.”
