GMO news related to the European Union

07.11.2014 |

Greenpeace in an action against GM maize
Greenpeace in an action against GM maize

MON810: Suspected manipulation in the outcome of EU research

Testbiotech: Evaluation of data from feeding trial with genetically engineered maize MON810 indicates negative health impact in rats.

Friday, 7. November 2014

Testbiotech has today published an independent evaluation of data from feeding trials with rats that were conducted under the GRACE project funded by the EU Commission. The rats were fed over a period of 90 days with genetically engineered maize MON810, which produces an insecticidal protein. The results were published in October 2014 in the journal Archives of Toxicology. The authors conclude that there were no relevant observable toxicological effects. However, an evaluation by Testbiotech has now revealed indications of negative health impacts on kidneys, liver and pancreas. Furthermore, the failure in this study to determine a concentration of MON810 at which there were no observable toxic effects, makes the entire study more or less invalid. For the evaluation of the data, additional external expertise was made available by a toxicologist with long-term experience in regulatory toxicology.

Testbiotech also criticizes the authors purposely published the results of the study in a scientific journal with close affiliation to industry.
