GMO news related to the European Union

11.09.2014 |

SA: Woolworths to halve GM-labelled products by 2015

Following questions raised over just how organic some of their free-range products actually are, local retail giant Woolworths is embarking on a campaign to reduce the number of genetically modified (GM) labelled products on their shelves by half next year

Three months ago travel journalist Caroline Hurry set the cat among the pigeons with an open letter penned to the retailer challenging the authenticity of its organic egg range.

She made two significant claims: firstly, that no genetically modified organism (GMO)-free hen food was available for purchase in the country and secondly, that SA doesn’t have an organic regulation, begging the question: how can the retail giant justify its labelling of products as organic.

Responding to Hurry’s allegations at the time, Woolworths MD of Food Zyda Rylands said Woolworths had launched their GMO policy in 1999 and followed it up by labelling products that may contain GM ingredients in 2000 to give its animal- and health-conscious customers the information they need to make the “right choice for themselves”.


“Currently only 5,3% percent of Woolworths’ private label foods contain ingredients from potential GM crop sources. That should drop to less than 2,7% within 12 months,” Rylands said in a statement.

“Many of our customers have told us that they would prefer not to buy products that may contain ingredients from GM crop sources and we respect their wishes. In addition to our commitment to remove GMOs where possible, we will continue to offer alternatives, such as our certified organic products, which are guaranteed free of GMOs,” she said.
