GMO news related to the European Union

07.08.2014 |

EU needs a legally sound mechanism for prohibiting GM cultivation and independent risk assessment

A letter was sent to German MEPs signed by 11 German/European NGOs concerning a draft directive granting to EU member states to decide whether or not they wish to cultivate genetically modified organisms(GMOs) on their territory.


EU needs a legally sound mechanism for prohibiting GM cultivation and independent risk assessment


Please, make sure that 'Opt-Out' is considerably revised in the relevant committees. It should protect consumers and the environment, not the interests of GM companies. On the basis of the European Parliament's decision of 05.07.2011, we are asking you to:

strengthen the precautionary principle in the risk assessment and cultivation of genetically modified plants;

ensure that EFSA's risk assessment of GMO is independent and rigorous;

ensure that national prohibition of GM cultivation is based on EU environmental law (Article 192 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union) which would make them more legally sounder and binding;

help to protect the sovereignty of the EU and its member states by ensuring that they are not obliged to ask GM companies before they can prohibit the cultivation of GM plants;

ensure that prohibiting the cultivation of GM plants will be possible at any time without having to provide 'new objective circumstances';

help protect the many GM-free farmers and food producers by ensuring that an appropriate period of time must be respected before a ban on the cultivation of GM plants can be revoked.

Numerous opinion polls have shown that EU voters oppose genetically modified plants in agriculture and in their food. Now it is up to you to engage in the negotiations with Commission and Council to provide member states with a genuine opportunity to prohibit the cultivation of GM plants, to ensure that risk assessment is carried out rigorously and that member states' full sovereignty is protected.

(Download the letter: EU needs a legally sound mechanism for prohibiting GM cultivation and independent risk assessment)
