GMO news related to the European Union

17.07.2014 |

Statement by Commissioner Karel De Gucht on TTIP, GMOs, transparency...

Statement by European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht on TTIP

European Parliament Plenary debate (Strasbourg, 15 July 2014)

(.....) Let me focus on three themes that have been on the forefront of the criticism levied against TTIP: the alleged lack of transparency, the alleged risk of lowering of regulatory standards which underpin our way of life and ISDS. Many people have alleged that the negotiations have been conducted so far in secrecy. It is true that when I meet with my counterpart Ambassador Froman, we prefer to do it without TV cameras being present. If you want to build confidence you also need a certain degree of confidentiality. It is also true that the Commission historically has conducted negotiations without that much media attention. Not because we wanted to keep them secret, but because the interest was much lower. TTIP has completely changed that. The Commission has worked hard to accommodate that new.

(.....) If we agree that the American inspector can stay home and just rely on a copy of the inspection report we have already made, there is no lowering of any standards anywhere. The only thing that is lowered is the amount of red tape. And where the gap in approach between the EU and the US is too wide, we just won't change our rules: we will not import any meat that is treated with hormones; we will not give a blanket approval of imports of GMOs. On the other hand, it is not because the US makes a claim that it must be wrong by definition. We should rely on the opinions of our own scientists in EFSA and not on ideology.

(.....) In addition, I will continue to be fully at your disposal to answer all questions you may have. And I stand ready to consider any other specific ideas on how we can further improve transparency.

