GMO news related to the European Union

14.06.2013 |

Monsanto loses in Brazilian Supreme Court over illegally collected royalties for GM soy seeds

The Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) ruled on Thursday 16 May that Monsanto’s claim to extend the life of the patent on GM soybeans was illegal. In a unanimous ruling, the four judges of the Third Instance reaffirmed the initial decision of Judge Ricardo Cueva Villas Boas, who ruled that the 20-year patent, registered on August 31, 1990, had expired. The appeal brought by Monsanto against Judge Cueva’s decision had aimed to invalidate Brazilian legislation on patents. The president of Famato, Rui Prado, said the decision of the Supreme Court reinforces what the soy producers have been fighting for since last year - for the judicial system to recognize that the patent had expired.
