GMO news related to the European Union

18.12.2012 |

European Commission and EFSA agree need for two-year GMO feeding studies

The European Commission is trying to find a budget to fund two year long-term GMO feeding studies in rodents, Ladislav Miko, deputy director general of DG SANCO (food) said last week. Speaking at the EFSA managment board meeting, which heard of EFSA's assessment of the Seralini study, which was a long term study, Mr Miko made clear that he is looking for a research budget to test the method of two year studies. He said that one EU project, known as Grace, would focus on 90 day GMO feeding studies, which the Commission has long said it would fund. But this project did not have the budget to fund the two year studies. Catherine Geslain-Laneelle, executive director of EFSA said the Authority said the Grace study would be on MON810, not NK 603, the GM maize used by Eric Gilles Seralini.
