GMO news related to India

09.04.2008 |

After Orissa, call for a ban on GM crop in Andhra Pradesh (India)

Addressing an anti-GM protest meet here today, farmer leaders of all major farmers’ organizations in the state of Andhra Pradesh demanded that the AP government take a clear anti-GM stand and ban GM crop trials in the state as has been done in other states like Kerala and Orissa. The protest has been organized by the Coalition for a GM-Free AP, a network of civil society organizations and farmers’ groups. Speaking on the occasion, Sarampalli Mallareddy, Vice President, All India Kisan Sabha (affiliated to CPM) said, ”When the first trials of Bt Cotton began in the state and the country, the Legislative Assembly of Andhra Pradesh passed a resolution against any GM crops and their trials in the state. Any cultivation or trials in the state of such crops is therefore illegal”.
