GMO news related to India

19.06.2007 |

High-yielding Bt cotton seeds set to be costlier in India

The All-India Crop Biotechnology Association, a representative of 15 seed companies based in New Delhi, believes that Bollgard II cotton seeds, a higher variety of Bt cotton seeds, are more effective and need to be priced at a premium to Bollgard I cotton seeds. Bollgard seed contains a protein from a soil microbe called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), that protects the crop from bollworms and requires less pesticide. While Bollgard I protects against lepidopteran insect pests, Bollgard II with its unique double gene technology in addition offers protection against spodoptera caterpillar. The association has recently announced that various state governments and the seed industry have agreed in principle to an MRP (minimum retail prices) of Rs 925 per 450 gm packet against Rs 750 for Bollgard I cotton seeds.
