GMO news related to the United States

01.01.2017 |

Seed company narrows focus to non-GMO

ALBERT LEA, Minn. — Non-GMO and organic corn, soybean and alfalfa seed are getting a clear separation from traited seeds in the Albert Lea Seed business.

Earlier this fall, Albert Lea Seed announced its Viking Corn & Soybeans would become a 100 percent non-traited brand that develops and markets non-GMO and organic corn, soybean and alfalfa seed.

To serve customers who want traited seed, Albert Lea Seed has become a distributor and dealer for NorthStar Genetics traited corn and soybean seed.

“This means that Viking will no longer develop and sell traited seeds such as Roundup Ready soybeans or Genuity SmartStax corn,” said Mac Ehrhardt, who co-owns Albert Lea Seed with his brother, Tom. “Instead, Albert Lea Seed will be supplying them through NorthStar Genetics.”
