GMO news related to the United States

16.05.2016 |

Under the Influence: The National Research Council and GMOs

The National Research Council's ties to the biotech industry and other corporations create conflicts of interest and raise questions about the independence of their work.


The National Research Council (NRC) — the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences — enjoys a reputation as one of the elite scientific bodies in the United States, an independent institution that Congress calls on fro impartial scientific advice about topics like genetically engineered crops (commonly called GMOs). However, the NRC's far-reaching ties to biotechnology companies and other agricultural corporations have created conflicts of interest at every level of the organization, which greatly diminish the independence and integrity of the NRC's scientific work.

Among other conflicts, Food & Water Watch found that the NRC (and its parent organization, the National Academy of Sciences):

- takes millions of dollars in funding from biotechnology companies

- invites sponsors like Monsanto to sit on high-level boards overseeing the NRC’s work

- invites industry-aligned, pro-GMO scientists to author NRC reports

- draws scientific conclusions based on industry science

- operates at times as a private contractor for corporate research.
