GMO news related to the United States

27.03.2016 |

Major brands reverse course on genetically modified food labels

It’s been a heady time for advocates of genetically modified food labeling like Oakland’s Gary Ruskin.

Working out of the Rockridge studio apartment he shares with his daughter, Ruskin is co-director of the consumer group U.S. Right to Know. Back in 2012, he was campaign manager for the California GMO labeling ballot initiative, Proposition 37, which ultimately didn’t pass. But in recent weeks, the landscape has shifted dramatically in his movement’s favor.

First, the Senate blocked a controversial measure that would have prevented states from passing initiatives like Prop. 37, such as the GMO labeling law due to roll out July 1 in Vermont. Days later, General Mills announced it would voluntarily add GMO labels to all of its products; fellow industrial food giants Mars, Kellogg Co. and Conagra quickly followed suit, even though those companies have spent millions to fight such labeling.

“Their coalition is fracturing,” Ruskin said. “The customer is always right, and it’s time for the food industry to recognize that.”
