GMO news related to the United States

05.08.2015 |

Celebrities calls for Mandatory GMO Labeling

Celebrity Moms Want Food Companies to Get Real About GMO Labeling

Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Constance Zimmer all signed a petition pushing for labeling transparency.

"You cannot conceal what's in our kids' food," celebrity personal trainer Jillian Michaels says in a new PSA for Just Label It, a campaign aimed at supporting mandatory labeling for genetically modified foods, better known as GMOs.

The new video, which features commentary from actors and moms including Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Constance Zimmer, is linked to a petition asking food companies to become more transparent about the products they're selling.

"When I started looking into what's in the food that I feed my son, I discovered how difficult it is to figure it out," Fast and the Furious actor Jordana Brewster says in the video. "I want GMOs labeled so that I don't need to guess whether or not they're in our food."
