GMO news related to the United States

29.07.2015 |

Josephine County to issue GMO order: Officials say farmers must report in by Sept. 4

Attention all farmers growing GMO crops in Josephine County (if any):

Please notify authorities you are growing said crops, in order that you may be penalized if you continue to grow them past Sept. 4.

That's the essence of a public notice due to be published by the county, following voter passage last year of a local measure banning the cultivation of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

County Counsel Wally Hicks said last week that his office is fine-tuning the notice in preparation for publication in the Daily Courier.

Following voter passage of the ban in May 2014, any farmers growing GMO crops had a 12-month window to harvest or otherwise get rid of the crops, according to the measure.

The notice being published states that farmers currently growing GMO crops must contact the Josephine County Sheriff's Office with their name, crop location and crop type, plus a phase-out plan to be done by Sept. 4.
