GMO news related to the United States

28.07.2015 |

What Does Labeling Mean? Mandatory Biotech Labeling vs. Voluntary Non-GMO Labeling

A new Organic & Non-GMO Forum has been added to the agenda at the 10th annual Oilseed & Grain Trade Summit, which will take place this year in Minneapolis, September 30 - October 2, at the Hyatt Regency. This new forum will address growing concerns by major food manufacturers and retailers over lack of sufficient suppliers of ingredients to meet increasing consumer demand for organic and non-GMO foods.

The forum, a unique one-day event, is the first industry event to convene stakeholders from across the organic and non-GMO supply chain in order to address the growth, opportunities and significant supply chain challenges that this sector of the food value chain presents. Critical trade flow data, along with innovative strategies, and new management tools and systems designed specifically to meet these supply and logistic challenges, will be highlighted and covered in-depth by leading industry experts.

Key topics to be addressed at the new Organic & Non-GMO Forum include:

GMO Testing Protocols: What's the Current Science?

Defining and Comparing Costs, Yields and Benefits for Conventional, Non-GMO and Organic Farm Practices

What Does Labeling Mean? Mandatory Biotech Labeling vs. Voluntary Non-GMO Labeling

PANEL: Managing Co-Existence and Chain of Custody

PANEL: Can Industry Work Together to Support Farmer's Right to Choose?
