GMO news related to the United States

22.12.2014 |

GMO Free Florida
GMO Free Florida

Florida Mayor Calls For GMO Free Vending Machines

In a small victory against GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms), a mayor of a town in Florida has called for GMO free vending machines in all the city owned buildings.

Peter Bober, the mayor of Hollywood, Florida, has passed a new mandate that will require all of the 45 vending machines that the city owns to offer GMO free choices. The mandate will also require those vending machines to include healthier offerings that meet recommendations from the American Heart Association for healthier snack and drink options in the work place.

This is just one of the many measures that have been taken around the globe, as consumers, governments, and activists take steps against GMOs and demand healthier, more natural food. Other cities in Florida, including Hallandale Beach and Miami Beach, have passed local resolutions to require GMO labeling in their towns, and they are not alone.
