GMO news related to the United States

09.12.2014 |

Yes on 92 Label GMO
Yes on 92 Label GMO

Label GMO in Oregon: Yes on Measure 92 Files Emergency Lawsuit

Yes on Measure 92 Files Emergency Lawsuit Today on Behalf of 4,600 Disenfranchised Voters Asking Court to Order Their Votes Are Counted in Current Statewide Recount

More than 4,600 registered Oregon voters who cast valid ballots on time are wrongly being disenfranchised by elections officials – more than enough votes to potentially change the outcome of the Measure 92 statewide recount

Portland – The Yes Measure 92 has filed a lawsuit today in Multnomah County Circuit Court on behalf of more than 4,600 Oregon voters whose valid ballots are not being counted by elections officials.

“We have said from the beginning of the recount that all valid votes should be counted, but unfortunately that is not happening currently,” said Paige Richardson, a spokesperson for the Yes on Measure 92 campaign. “That is why we are filing this emergency lawsuit today, asking for a temporary restraining order halting the certification of the Measure 92 mandatory statewide hand recount until the votes of thousands of Oregon voters currently being unlawfully disenfranchised by elections officials are counted.”
