
27.08.2021 |

Centre’s GM soya cake import order to be challenged in court by a civil society group

NEW DELHI: The Coalition for a GM-Free India, a civil society platform that had been opposed to transgenic technologies being deployed in the country, has termed the Centre's recent decision to import GM soymeal as patently illegal, saying the move will now be legally challenged as the import would expose citizens to the hazards of unsafe gene technologies.

23.08.2021 |

GM Bt maize hits predator of armyworm pest

New study shows unanticipated negative impact of Bt insecticidal crop on beneficial insect. Report: Claire Robinson

A study from 2017 reported that most GM Bt insecticidal maize varieties lost their ability to control the fall armyworm pest within three years of introduction in Brazil, as the pest became resistant to the Bt insecticidal toxin in the plants. The same pattern of rapidly evolved pest resistance has been found in Argentina, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

Now a newly published open access study shows another mechanism through which Bt insecticidal maize crops may be failing. The Bt toxins ("Cry proteins") in Bt maize ingested by the fall armyworm pest are transferred to a natural enemy of the armyworm, the predatory stink bug Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) – where they cause harmful changes in the predator insect's midgut cells. The authors believe that these changes could negatively impact the predator insects' fitness.

23.08.2021 |

African social movements demand that AU suspends undemocratic and pro-industry seed and GMO guidelines and processes

For over two decades, and in defence of life and democracy, diverse constituencies in Africa have promoted the rights of small farmers and their seed systems, and have expressed and continue to express concern related to the use and governance of modern biotechnology on the continent. We include smallholder farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, hunter/gatherers, indigenous peoples, citizens, environmentalists, scientists, and cooperative civil society mechanisms. All are legitimate rights holders on the continent, of whom the African Union (AU) is supposed to be a representative mechanism.

23.08.2021 |

Election 2021 -Take Action: Ask your candidates on GMOs

Do you support mandatory government safety assessments for all genetically engineered food and seeds? If elected, would you ensure that all genetically engineered foods and seeds are regulated?

Tell your candidate that your vote is for transparency and independent science.

New Resource! Click here for a one-page background to email or hand to your candidate, or use it as background for yourself when you ask questions in all-candidates debates.

More updates and materials on this issue are posted at

22.08.2021 |

Ten approvals for the import of genetically engineered crops rushed through

EU Commission takes controversial decision during the summer break

22 August 2021 / The EU Commission has rushed through ten approvals for the import of genetically engineered (GE) plants. The approvals were issued for maize, soybeans, oilseed rape and cotton, which produce insecticidal toxins and/or are engineered to be resistant to herbicides such as glyphosate; the approvals include seven new variants of GE plants and three renewals. The applications were filed by Monsanto (Bayer), Dow AgroSciences (Corteva) and Syngenta (ChemChina).

The harvest of these plants is now allowed for import and usage in food and feed. The EU Parliament has in recent years passed dozens of resolutions demanding that these imports should not be not allowed.

The huge majority of genetically engineered crops allowed for import into the EU produce several insecticides in combination with resistance to herbicides, such as glyphosate. So far, the EU has systematically avoided assessing combinatorial effects between the various toxins and other constituents in these plants. Amongst others, there are concerns that consumption of these products might enhance or trigger chronic inflammatory processes.

17.08.2021 |

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Tell USDA NO GE trees in our forests!

The USDA has opened up a second public comment period to seek input for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) they plan to prepare on whether or not to approve the GE American chestnut.

We need to respond in force. The pro-GE tree side is mobilizing their base to submit comments promoting GE trees. We must remind the USDA that people across the world oppose GE trees and will not allow them to be planted in our forests.

06.08.2021 |

Safety concerns raised over Impossible Burger GMO fake meat ingredient

Soy leghemoglobin does not have a history of safe use in food

Impossible Foods, the US-based fake meat maker that uses genetically engineered ingredients, has already managed to steer its fake meat Impossible Burger products past regulators in several countries, most notably the US and Canada, though not without challenge.

And they have other countries in their sights, including Australia and New Zealand, where they hope to have a product on the market within the next two years.

26.07.2021 |

Next-Gen Herbicide Combinations

The next generation of herbicide formulations sold widely throughout the Heartland will include multiple active ingredients and will be paired with specially-bred GMO crops. Glyphosate-based herbicides are used on nearly all conventional GMO corn, soybean, and cotton seeds, in various combinations with the following herbicides:

Glufosinate herbicides (Bayer’s Liberty)

Dicamba herbicides (Monsanto/Bayer’s Xtendimax, BASF’s Engenia, DuPoint’s FeXapan)

2,4-D herbicides such as Dow AgroSciences Enlist Duo and Corteva’s Frontline

24.07.2021 |

Join Us - Good Food Good Farming

Join us for the #GoodFoodGoodFarming action days from 1 to 31 October 2021! For the past three years, we have mobilised hundreds of events taking place in villages, towns and cities. Let’s pressure our national and regional governments with many decentral actions across the continent to make future-friendly food and agricultural reforms. Get together offline for a demonstration, a protest picnic, a flash mob, or organise online events or workshops. Any format that will draw attention to our shared cause is welcome.

24.07.2021 |

GMO - Golden Rice commercialization to further drag down Filipino farmers amid climate, COVID struggles

24 July, 2021 Manila—Greenpeace Philippines strongly denounced the approval of genetically modified “Golden Rice” (GR) for commercial propagation, and called on Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary William Dar to reverse the decision and represent the interests of Filipino farmers and consumers.

The group said the DA should prioritize strategies to diversify food production which ensure Filipinos’ access to nutritious, healthy, balanced diets that also address problems such as malnutrition and Vitamin A deficiency.
