05.07.2023 | permalink
Blank cheque for the genetic engineering industry
1. The EU fulfils wishes of the genetic engineering corporations – Swiss Alliance Gentechfrei SAG
2. Blank check for the genetic engineering industry – AbL e.V.
05.07.2023 | permalink
Austrian government says proposal is "unacceptable"
1. EU Commission proposal to deregulate new GMOs in spectacular submission to the biotech industry – Corporate Europe Observatory
2. Deregulation of new genomic techniques – GMO-free agriculture and food production is at stake – ENGA
3. GLOBAL 2000 on the new genetic engineering bill: Fatal for environment and consumers – Global 2000
4. NGT proposal a step backward for biosafety, freedom of choice and consumers’ information – IFOAM
5. Statement of German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke
6. Austrian government statement: EU proposal on “new genetic engineering” unacceptable
7. Genetic engineering-free plant breeding and seed production soon no longer possible? – IG Saatgut
8. Seed law reform and new genetic engineering: double attack on our seeds! – ARCHE NOAH
05.07.2023 | permalink
Corporate interests trump freedom of choice and biosafety
1. Corporate interests trump freedom of choice and biosafety – Biodynamic Federation Demeter International
2. The European Commission proposal on new GMOs is incompatible with the precautionary principle – GMO-Free Italy Coalition
05.07.2023 | permalink
Proposed deregulation goes against science – Testbiotech analysis
The EU Commission today published a proposal for the deregulation of plants derived from of New GE (new genetic engineering or new genomic techniques, NGTs). For this purpose, the Commission has attempted to establish a new "Category 1" of plants derived from New GE processes which would be exempt from current GMO regulation. New GE plants in this new category would be seen as safe as those derived from conventional breeding. The plants would not be subjected to mandatory risk assessment, they would only require notification. In addition, there would be no labelling requirements for food derived from these plants or a request for methods of detection.
05.07.2023 | permalink
Today, a worrying proposal to deregulate new GMOs (or “new genomic techniques” (NGT)) in the European Union has been released by the European Commission. This is bad news for our food, biodiversity, farmers and for citizens. Slow Food rejects the Commission’s plans to exempt the majority of new GMOs from existing GMO requirements, which means they will no longer be subject to risk assessment for human health and the environment, traceability throughout the food chain nor labeling for consumers.
Madeleine Coste, Slow Food’s Director of Advocacy comments: “The proposal to deregulate new GMOs sacrifices farmers and consumers’ rights, and the environment in order to please agribusiness. It represents a true setback in the transition to agroecology that we urgently need.”
05.07.2023 | permalink
Brussels – The European Commission’s proposed deregulation of a new strand of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) disregards safety and consumer rights, Greenpeace has warned.
Greenpeace EU GMO campaigner Eva Corral said: “Whether it’s a toy or a face cream, any product on the market needs to be safety tested – why would there be an exemption for GMOs that end up on our fields or in our plates? Biotech companies have long considered these safety procedures an unnecessary bother and it’s disappointing to see the Commission agree with them.”
04.07.2023 | permalink
This statement was sent to members of the European Parliament and competent authorities in several EU member states today.
The EU Commission’s proposal is scientifically unacceptable, removes the provisions of the precautionary principle and puts the public and environment at risk. Critical scientific expertise and its supporting scientific evidence was completely ignored. The proposal follows exclusively the guidance and assertions of the public and private biotechnology sector – and is therefore to be classified as one-sided. In the following, we briefly explain why this is so – with scientific reasoning and evidence. We focus on the Annex I only for now.
03.07.2023 | permalink
We are writing to express our concerns about a possible flood of patented seeds entering the EU market as a result of the Commission's far-reaching dismantling of the EU's GMO regulations. With its upcoming proposal on new genomic techniques (NGT), the Commission intends to exempt a vast majority of GM crops from the EU's GMO regulations. The vast majority of plants developed with new genomic techniques – if not all of them – are covered by patents. We are deeply concerned about the impact of these patents on farmers' rights to seeds, small- and medium-sized conventional and organic plant breeders, consumers, our food system, and cultivated plant diversity.
20.06.2023 | permalink
Gene scissors found to cause chaos in the genome of tomatoes
20 June 2023 / Recent scientific findings have revealed chromothripsis-like effects after the application of CRISPR/Cas in the genome of tomatoes. Chromothripsis refers to a phenomenon in which often several hundred genetic changes occur simultaneously in a 'catastrophic' event. Many sections of the genetic material can be swapped, twisted, recombined or even lost if this occurs.
It has been known for some time that ‘CRISPRthripsis’, which is another term for the above-described phenomenon, occurs in mammalian (and human) cells. This effect has now been also demonstrated in plants after gene scissor applications. The new study was already published during the peer-review process. The findings show that gene scissor applications cause unintended genetic alterations much more frequently than previously thought, affecting large parts of the genome.
29.05.2023 | permalink
Perennial ryegrass win!
An application to field trial GM perennial ryegrass as 'more nutritious' animal feed was withdrawn. GeneEthics had told the OGTR the trial could not be contained and more weeds would result. Grown as a pasture and lawn grass the plant is also an aggressive, invasive weed that would spread more widely. If approved, we expected more weedicides would be sprayed, adding to their $5 billion annual cost.