
29.06.2016 |

Press release - FAQs: Glyphosate

Does the EU authorise the placing on the market of pesticides?

No, that's the role of the Member States, but active substances in the pesticides have to be approved at EU level.

Once an active substance has been approved or renewed at EU level, the safety evaluation of every pesticide (also referred to as Plant Protection Products PPPs) formulation is done at a later stage by individual Member States before they grant, refuse or restrict – the use of pesticides formulations at national level.

In their authorisation decision, Member States can therefore define the conditions for use of the product, for instance; restricted to certain crops; to professional use; for use in glass houses only.

Active substances:

An active substance undergoes an intensive evaluation and peer-review by Member States and the European Food Safety Authority, before a decision can be made on approval.

Before an active substance can be used within a product in the EU, it must be approved at EU level.


Pesticides and herbicides sold in the market also referred to as Plant Protection Products (PPPs) contain at least one approved active substance.

Before any pesticide can be placed on the market or used, it must be authorised in the Member State(s) concerned.

Member States could grant, refuse or restrict the use of a specific product.

Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 lays down the rules and procedures for authorisation of Plant Protection Products.

28.06.2016 |

Glyphosate approval - EU governments should begin glyphosate phase-out following Commission intransigence

EU health commissioner Andriukaitas this evening confirmed that the European Commission would be granting a temporary 'technical extension' of the EU approval of the herbicide glyphosate, despite the proposal having failed to secure the support of the necessary qualified majority of EU governments again last week. Commenting on the decision, Green environment and food safety spokesperson Bart Staes stated:

"This decision by the Commission to extend the approval of glyphosate in spite of last week's vote shows a disdain for the opposition by the public and EU governments to this controversial toxic herbicide. As perhaps the first EU decision after the UK referendum, it shows the Commission is failing to learn the clear lesson that the EU needs to finally start listening to its citizens again. This temporary extension must be the beginning of the end for glyphosate; we would now urge EU governments and regions to exercise their rights to impose significant restrictions on its use, so we can begin the process of phasing-out glyphosate.

28.06.2016 |

Burkina Faso Abandons GM Cotton

Burkina Faso is phasing out genetically modified cotton. It says it produces a poor quality crop which fetches low prices. This hasn't stop other African states from using genetic technology, or trying it out.

Burkina Faso's "white gold" was famous. For years, the cotton grown in the West African country was regarded as the best on the continent until the harvests were destroyed by pests and drought in the 1990s, ruining the livelihoods of thousands of cotton farmers. The US agricultural seed manufacturer Monsanto promised Burkina Faso a remedy: genetically modified cotton seeds that would be resistant to a changing climate, simplify pest protection and produce bumper yields. Burkina Faso's government signed a deal with Monsanto in 2003 and six years later genetically modified seeds were distributed to cotton farmers. Soon 70 percent of cotton fields were sown with genetically modified seed.

27.06.2016 |

Demand for Bt cotton seeds sharply down

Nagpur: There has been a major dip in the demand for genetically modified Bt cotton seeds this kharif season. The seeds that were introduced by the US multinational Monsanto in 2002 have become mainstay of cotton farming since then. This year, there has been a sharp increase in use of local varieties of cotton seeds instead of Bt in the northern states. The area seems to have gone up but the supply of indigenous seeds did not keep pace, sources said. A similar trend was expected in other cotton growing areas of the country too.

According to the figures compiled by city-based Central Institute of Cotton Research (CICR), as against 3,000 odd hectares under indigenous varieties of cotton last year, there are 72,280 hectares this season in northern states. The data was collected from states' agricultural departments, said Dr Keshav Kranthi, director of CICR, a government research agency.

27.06.2016 |

Gene Ethics Election Scorecard - GM-free Foods and Crops

Gene Ethics Media Release 27 June 2016

Gene Ethics posed 20 questions on Genetically Manipulated (GM) foods, seeds and sustainable farms to leading political parties.

"The scorecard shows The Greens and Xenophon Team have the best policies on GM-free food, seed and farms to deliver the real change that agriculture urgently needs, to safely and securely feed all Australians into the future," says Gene Ethics Director Bob Phelps.

"On our election scorecard, The Greens hit 80% as they were the only party to answer our questions and explain their policies. The Xenophon Team followed on 25%, with the ALP 8% and the Coalition Parties 0% as they did not reply.

The Greens say: "GMO assessments must be broad, independent and scientifically robust. Everyone has a right to know if foods contain any ingredients made using GM techniques, through the comprehensive labelling of those products.

"Over 90% of Australian shoppers want clear and honest GM food labels but we don't have them so this policy is a clear winner," he says.

(Read more on Gene Ethics Facebook at:

26.06.2016 |

Press Conference: New GMO Technologies – old illusory promises of salvation

What the International Monsanto Tribunal wants to achieve

and why the Bayer-Monsanto merger must be blocked

Berlin, June 22th, 2016 – An alliance between NABU, Navdanya International, IFOAM (International Foundation for Organic Agriculture), Organics International and the Coordination against BAYER risks, invites you to a press conference that will take place on Monday, June 27th, 2016, from 12pm to 1pm at NABU Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Charitéstraße 3, Berlin-Mitte.

The speakers are:

– Dr. Vandana Shiva, globally known activist, eco-feminist, and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award, 1993)

– Antonius Michelmann renowned chemist and new director of the Coordination against BAYER risks

-Sarah Wiener, acclaimed cook and activist on food and agricultural issues

Presentation: Bernward Geier

26.06.2016 |

Close to Home: Why a local GMO ban makes sense


The Close to Home column by Tom Cooke last week had a number of inaccurate assertions (“Let science, humanity inform your GMOs vote,” June 19). I remind Professor Cooke that truth is not a fear tactic.

The Sonoma County Transgenic Contamination Ordinance, which will be on the fall ballot, is simple and clear. It prohibits the cultivation, propagation, raising and growing of genetically engineered organisms in Sonoma County. It protects family and/or organic farms from contamination by genetically engineered plant pollen drift. In addition, it protects from the increased herbicide use inherent in the cultivation of these crops.

Genetically engineered pollen poses a genuine concern for non-GMO and organic farmers, as pollen drift threatens to contaminate unintended crops even with buffer zones.

25.06.2016 |

UK “likely” to be bound by EU organic regulations despite Brexit vote

The Soil Association says it is “very disappointed” that the UK is to leave the European Union. But despite the Brexit vote the organic charity says the UK is “likely” to continue to be bound by the EU Organic Regulation.

In a statement, the Soil Association says: “UK wildlife, the environment and the organic farming sector have been major beneficiaries of EU membership, where the precautionary principle prevails in policy making. Thanks to EU policy, the UK has cleaned up its act as ‘the dirty man of Europe’ and now has cleaner beaches, rivers and better protection for wildlife, including our vital pollinators as a direct result of EU membership. It is vital that these gains are secured.”

24.06.2016 |

Commission must prepare glyphosate exit plan, Greenpeace

Greenpeace Press release - June 24, 2016

Brussels – Greenpeace has called on the European Commission to prepare a glyphosate exit plan, after an EU vote on the controversial weedkiller today cleared the way for the Commission to push through a temporary licence extension.

The original ten-year glyphosate licence expired in June 2012, but the Commission extended it twice, in 2011 and 2015, to 14 years. The Commission will now extend the licence further to a total of 15 years and six months, until the end of 2017, when the European Chemicals Agency is expected to complete an assessment of glyphosate’s negative effects on human health and the environment.

The Commission again failed to gain the backing of a qualified majority of EU countries (representing at least 55 per cent of countries and 65 per cent of the EU population) for its plan to extend the licence, but under EU rules can still push the extension through regardless.

Greenpeace EU food policy director Franziska Achterberg said: “The Commission is about to give glyphosate an unreasonable grace period, which will continue to leave people and nature exposed to the controversial weedkiller. It should use this time to draw up a glyphosate exit plan. Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in Europe and has been linked to serious health concerns and loss of wildlife. It’s time for Europe to plan for a glyphosate-free future.”

Thousands of organic farmers show how weed control is possible without glyphosate. In arable farming, for example, a combination of crop rotation, catch crops and undergrowth can suppress the growth of weeds. Mechanical means (e.g. soil tillage before sowing and rotary hoeing later in season) can be used to combat the remaining weeds.

23.06.2016 |

International Monsanto Tribunal

The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Eminent judges will hear testimonies from victims, and deliver an advisory opinion following procedures of the International Court of Justice. A parallel People's Assembly provides the opportunity for social movements to rally and plan for the future we want. The Tribunal and People's Assembly will take place between 14 and 16 October 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands.
