Zum 9. Mal treffen sich die Gentechnikfreien Regionen Europas zu einer gemeinsamen Konferenz der 64 Regionalregierungen der, die sich zur Gentechnikfreiheit ihres Landes bekennen (darunter fast alle Bundesländer Deutschlands und Österreichs), engagierter Wissenschaftler*innen, NGOs, Bauernorganisationen und Unternehmen. Die Konferenz findet diesmal ausschließlich auf Englisch statt.
The 7th European GMO Free Regions Conference welcomed 200 participants from 33 countries on the 4th and 5th of September 2012 in Brussels. Key issues were the question of national bans for the cultivation of GMO crops and EFSA risk assessment. Sofia Gatica and Maria Godoy, two mothers from Argentina, called upon European politicians to stop the import of GM soybeans. Conference proceedings
300 people from 37 countries joined the 6th European Conference of GMO-Free Regions in Brussels and Ghent, 16-18 September 2010, including EU-Commissioner John Dalli, heads of supermarkets and leaders of the GMO Free movement inside and outside Europe. Conference proceedings and audiovisuals
More than 260 regions, over 4500 municipalities and other local entities and tens of thousands of farmers and food producers in Europe have declared themselves "GMO-free" expressing their commitment not to allow the use of genetically modified organisms in the agriculture and food in their territories. Since 2005, the movement of GMO Free Regions in Europe holds an annual meeting. Proceedings
At the occasion of the UN Convention of Biological Diversity's meeting in Bonn, Germany, more than 700 representatives from 100 countries around the world gathered on April 12 to 16 in Bonn, Germany, to celebrate gmo-free agricultural diversity. A global festival, demonstration and 3 day conference with guests from all around the world marked the GMO Free Regions event 2008.
300 participants from 37 countries gathered at the European Parliament in Brussels, 19-20 April 2007 to discuss strategies of the GMO free regions movement as well as burning issues such as the impacts of agro-fuels on sustainable agriculture. Proceedings
250 representatives of regional governments, municipalities, companies, farmers unions, consumer and environmental organisations and initiatives from 35 countries met in Berlin on January 14 - 15, 2006, for the 2nd GMO Free Regions conference.