NGOs and Scientists network

Download the programme: NGOs and Scientists network

09:00 - 10:30 Plenary Session: Challenges and topics
At Thuringia Representation

Opening speech, State Minister Ulrike Höfken
Global Corporate Rule, Yoke Ling
Industrial Agricultural Policy Trends & Bioeconomy, Benedikt Haerlin
The problem of Glyphosate tolerant crops in South America, Elisabeth Bravo
New Scientific Challenges by Christoph Then

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee break / Walk to Hesse representation

10:45 - 12:30 Parallel Workshop session I

At Thuringia Representation
Emerging technologies: Basic science, limitations, biosafety and regulatory issues
African agriculture under threat: GM crops in the wider context

At Hesse Representation
The Anti-GMO Movements in North and South America: A Call for Increased Global Cooperation and Solidarity
National GMO bans – joint strategizing

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch At Thuringia Representation

13:30 - 14:00 Parallel Short Presentations I

At Thuringia representation:
Austria as a GMO-free Zone      
FUMIGACIONES: Glyphosate, the urgent need to protect health and the environment  
GMO-free Norway – How do we keep it like that?   
The Dawn of Common Culture: Permopoly  
Dolly for dinner?!

At Hesse representation:

Canada: Impacts and Lessons from 20 Years of GMOs  
GMO-Free in Australia, New Zealand
"U Turn" is a film for campaigners, decision makers and consumers (13:30 – 14:30)

14:00 - 14:30 Parallel Short Presentations II

At Thuringia representation:
Sources of contamination of honey with genetically modified material    
Climate Smart Agriculture    
Building an Agro-Ecological Asia-Pacific from Hawaii to Bhutan   
22 Pacific Island Countries, a region free of GMO... regulation!    
Organizing Against Non-State Actors   
Experiences with GMO since 1996 in UK

At Hesse representation:
The Consumer Led Anti-GMO Movement in Japan
Beyond GM – A Letter from America

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break / Walk to Hesse representation

15:00 - 16:45 Parallel Workshop session II

At Thuringia Representation
Emerging applications: GM trees, stacks and ‘Clearfield' crops
Zero tolerance for GMO contamination in food, feed and seed: Linking global struggles towards a common strategy
What happens to Bioeconomy?

At Hesse Representation
TTIP and what is at stake for European GMO rules?

16:45 - 17:00 Coffee break

17:00 - 18:45 Plenary session: Conclusions and Perspectives
At Thuringia Representation

Opt-out: How to keep the EU GMO-free?, Beatrix Tappeser
The African GMO battle, Mariam Mayet
TTIP-CETA and corporate rules, Mute Schimpf
Discussion and contributions from the floor
Final round

19:00 Evening reception
At Austrian Embassy

Thanks to all our sponsors and co-organizers!

GMO-FREE EUROPE Conference is made possible by generous support from:

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